Mortgage Payments

We know you have questions about mortgage payments and we can help.

To register or log in to make an ACH payment, click here. Not registered, or using a debit card, click here to use Speedpay (fee varies by state up to $7.00).

After registering, you can check your account online. Your My Account home page will provide the most current loan information. You can register here.
Your payment has not been received yet. Payments will be posted the day they are received. If you pay through your financial institution’s bill pay service, it is necessary to check the guaranteed delivery date. Some institutions deliver funds electronically while others send a paper check through the mail. If you send payment through the mail, please allow sufficient time for delivery.
Your loan payment will post the day it is received. If you use ACH, your payment will post the day you select for payment. If you pay through your financial institution’s bill pay service check the guaranteed delivery date. If you make a payment through Western Union the payment must be received by 3pm PT otherwise it will post the next day. Any Western Union payment received by 5pm PT on the 16th or the last business day of the month will post on that day. If the 16th falls on a weekend or a holiday, the payment will be posted without late penalties. Western Union payments scheduled for a non-business day will NOT post until the next business day.
Your payment can be returned for many reasons. Non-sufficient funds, an incorrect account number, a stop payment on a check or unidentified account information are all reasons for a payment to be returned. Partial payments are not accepted and will be returned. Also, personal checks equal to or greater than $10,000 cannot be accepted and will be returned. Checks for $10,000 or more must be received as certified funds.
First, you will need to register or login to your account by clicking the link below. Once you are in your account, click on the Set up Auto Pay link under the PAYMENTS banner. ACH is a free, easy to use service. Your payment can be drafted automatically from your checking account on any day of the month from the 1st through the 16th. Set up your Auto Pay
There is a fee (varies by state up to $7.00) for using this payment option. Please click here to make an instant online payment. You will need your bank’s routing number and your bank’s checking account number in order to utilize this service. Please note: this system is available to make the current month’s mortgage payment. If your account is more than 30 days past due, please contact our Loan Counseling Department at 1-800-365-4884 to make payment arrangements and to discuss options.
Personal checks are accepted for any amount less than $100,00.00 in addition to your regular monthly payment. Larger amounts can be submitted as certified funds.
Loans must be current before funds can be applied towards the principal balance. All principal only payments must include the loan number and indication that the funds are meant to pay down principal. The payment method depends on the amount of principal only payment. Principal-only payments less than or equal to $9,999.99 Payment can be made by ACH, Speedpay, Billpay or personal check. Principal-only payments greater than or equal to $10,000.00 Payment must be sent as certified funds or by wire. Click here for wire instructions.
  1. What is One-Time ACH? It’s a free online payment option that allows you to schedule a single payment at a time for any day during the month.
  2. How is it different from recurring ACH? Recurring ACH schedules your payment for the same day every month. One Time ACH allows you to schedule a single payment at a time for any day during the month.
  3. Who can use One-Time ACH? Most borrowers who are due for their current month’s payment, and who do not already have recurring ACH set up, can use One Time ACH. If you use recurring ACH, it would have to be suspended to use One Time ACH.
  4. Can I add extra funds to my mortgage payment using One-Time ACH? Yes. The system allows you to designate where your funds go: Monthly Payment, Additional to Principal, Additional to Escrow, or Late Fees (if applicable).
  5. How do I sign up for it? If you already have a “My Account” login for your mortgage, the Make a Payment (Free of Charge) button will automatically appear on your loan page. Click the button to begin the process. If you do not currently have a “My Account” login, sign up for one here.
  6. Is there a charge for using this feature? No, there is no charge and no limit to how many times you can use this option.
  7. Can I make a same-day payment? Yes, as long as you schedule your payment before 5pm Pacific Time on a business day. Any payments scheduled after 5pm will be posted the next business day.
  8. Can I cancel a scheduled payment? Yes as long as it is in the “Scheduled” stage. There will be a Cancel button next to any payments that are eligible for cancellation. Any payments that are “In Process” or “Posted” cannot be canceled.
  9. Can I call Customer Service to help me make a One-Time ACH payment? No, this is an online option designed for self-service.
  10. Can I see my loan payment history? Yes. On your loan page, select the One-Time ACH Payment History link to see all One Time ACH transactions.
  11. My loan payment was rejected. How can I find out why? Contact Customer Service or your bank to find out why a payment was rejected.
  12. The system says I owe late fees. Do I have to pay it all in my next payment? No. The system notifies you of the total owed. You can designate any amount you choose to apply to the late fees.
  13. What is the maximum amount I can put towards my principal with One-Time ACH? You can apply a maximum of an additional $9,999.99 towards principal with each payment.