Guild Mortgage blogs
5-star service: Guild Mortgage is #1 on Zillow
5-star service: Guild Mortgage is #1 on Zillow Trust is everything when it comes to choosing a mortgage lender. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that Guild Mortgage is number one in 5-star reviews [...]
How to understand your credit score: 5 categories
How to understand your credit score: 5 categories A credit score is based on five main factors: payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, credit mix and recent inquiries. The three major credit reporting [...]
Mortgage par rate explained: how does it work?
Mortgage par rate explained: how does it work? A mortgage par rate, or lender par rate, is the standard interest rate a lender offers without charging any added fees (known as discount points) to lower [...]
What are the most affordable states to buy a house?
What are the most affordable states to buy a house? With higher costs of living, influenced by inflation, housing shortages and mortgage rates, many homebuyers are wondering where the most affordable options are. As of [...]
8 factors that cause mortgage rates to rise and fall
8 factors that cause mortgage rates to rise and fall Why do mortgage rates vary from day to day? Though it might feel at times like mortgage rates are unpredictable, they’re actually the byproduct [...]
A go-to winter home maintenance checklist for homeowners
A go-to winter home maintenance checklist for homeowners What are the steps to winterize a house? Your home maintenance schedule can depend a lot on your climate, but at a minimum, it's a good idea [...]
How to save for a down payment and an emergency fund
How to save for a down payment and an emergency fund Saving for a down payment and an emergency fund are both important financial goals. While a down payment can help you become a homeowner [...]
How home insurance rates affect your mortgage payment
How home insurance rates affect your mortgage payment Higher home insurance rates can contribute to higher mortgage payments. When you take out a mortgage, your lender usually requires you to have home insurance [...]
How to buy a home with little or no down payment
How to buy a home with little or no down payment Buying a home with no down payment may sound too good to be true, but it is possible, depending on the loan [...]
What happens to mortgage rates when the Federal Reserve lowers or raises interest rates
What happens to mortgage rates when the Federal Reserve lowers or raises interest rates If you’ve been keeping an eye on mortgage rates, you’ve probably noticed they’re heavily influenced by what the Federal [...]