Building lifetime connections since 1960
Since our founding as a single office in 1960, we’ve been delivering the promise of home in every neighborhood and community we serve.
We’re committed to bringing our customers home, building trust with our partners and creating foundations for our employees to thrive. We have borrowers whose children and family have become customers. Some of our employees have been with Guild for more than 40 years. Our focus on creating customers for life will ensure we’ll be here to continue building lifetime connections for many years to come.
Guild Moments
A Company was Born
Guild Mortgage was founded in San Diego in 1960 by Martin Gleich.
FHA Pioneers
Guild became experts in government backed loans for first time homebuyers.
Home Building
At first, Guild provided loans only to purchasers of homes built by American Housing Guild.

The company was named “Guardian Mortgage” before it became Guild.
Tech Culture
From the beginning, Guild began exploring the use of technology to improve its operations.
Innovation in Tech
By designing and operating its IT systems in-house, Guild distinguished itself in the mortgage industry.
Me, Me, Me
Novelist Tom Wolfe coined the phrase the “Me Decade” to capture the mood of the country.
Topped Out
American Housing Guild built the last of over 20,000 homes in the west.

Go West
Business was good, and Guild opened its first branch offices in other western states.
Homebuyer Advocates
Always an advocate for first time homebuyers, Guild began working with Ginnie Mae.
Tech Culture
Guild’s first computer was an IBM with no monitor and 24kb RAM.
Business Diversification
Guild added consumer timeshare loans to its portfolio and purchased Red Carpet Realty.
A New Direction
Mary Ann McGarry joined Guild and introduced entrepreneurial management to the company.
Business Expands
Guild launched its wholesale mortgage business with great success.

Fast Forward
High speed data transfer, mobile phones and personal computers helped redefine customer service.
The Wall Comes Down
After 28 years, the Berlin wall came down, effectively ending the cold war.
Blast Off!
The first space shuttle Columbia took to the skies in a spectacular launch from Florida.
Enterprise Branches Grew
Entrepreneurial branch managers sparked renewed growth and increased profitability.
Star Struck
The Hubble space telescope entered orbit, sending back the clearest images ever taken of our galaxy.
The Internet Gets Busy
New browsers and the “World Wide Web” took hold and brought email to the office.

Easier Qualifying
Guild established automated underwriting, which streamlined the process of qualifying buyers for loans.
The first mammal was cloned and Dolly the sheep was elevated to celebrity status.
Computers Shrink
Laptops allow greater mobility and flexibility to Guild employees.
The End of an Era
Guild founder Martin Gleich retired in 2007 and Mary Ann McGarry became CEO.
When the Bubble Burst
The housing market imploded, causing great distress to families across the country.
Weathering the Storm
Guild avoided the sub-prime market and emerged from the downturn healthy and strong.

A Fresh Identity
After 40 years, Guild introduced a new company logo design.
Terror Strikes
On September 11, 2001, the country, and the world, were changed forever.
Going Social
Facebook and Twitter became a fixture in our lives, as did interactive websites, smartphones and HD TV.
Winning the West
From its home office in San Diego, Guild oversees over 70 branch offices in 11 western states.
Remembering Martin Gleich
Guild’s Founder passes away at the age of 87.
The Time for First Time Homebuyers
Low home prices and interest rates create a great market for first timers.

Optimism Prevails
As it grows, Guild continues to deliver outstanding service with a small company feel.
Tech Evolves
Smartphone apps and web-based cloud technology keep Guild employees and clients connected.
A Revamped Website
Educational materials and interactive tools become an integral part of the Guild web experience.

Looking forward to the future
We’re continuing to deliver the promise of home with accessible home loan options and new technology for an enhanced customer experience.

Looking forward to the future
We’re continuing to deliver the promise of home with accessible home loan options and new technology for an enhanced customer experience.